Monday, November 17, 2014

So Many Books, So Little Time - Frank Zappa

So HI!
  This is my first time, EVER, keeping a blog and I am determined to keep it going regardless of whatever. THUS, let me start by giving a small, short little introduction of myself. I am Poonam Kaur, 19, living and residing in Singapore. I am currently pursing my Diploma in Early Childhood Education. I started this blog with the intention of expressing my thoughts, feelings and ideas with other aspiring teachers from all around the world.
  I thought long and hard and kept trying to come up with something that would define me as a person to those who do not know me personally. After days of contemplating, I finally decided that the best way to do so is through books! I am a die-hard fan of romantic comedy books. There's nothing better then coming home to a good book waiting for you. So here is my list of books one HAS to read (at least once); -

 5 Must-read Novels

Fault in Our Stars - John Green
I know, I know. You've probably heard from LOTS of people about what an AMAZING book this is. Truth is, IT IS. But the reason why I liked this book so very much was that the characters were so real. If you have ever seen someone very dear to you go through pain, then this book will hit home. Additionally, it's also a plus that the book is filled with so many valuable quotes. Here's my favorite;
" That's the thing about pain.
It demands to be felt."
Fault in out Stars - John Green
       Twenties girl - Sophie Kinsella
 This is probably one of the most underrated books of Sophie Kinsella. Oh and in case you're not aware, Sophie Kinsella is the Author of the popular Shopaholic series. Twenties girl is one of my favorite books out of Sophie's standalone novels because let's face it what's not to like when a book contains comedy, romance, suspense and even a little bit of horror? The book is filled with unexpected twists and turns and it's one of the few novels that I dreaded seeing was coming to an end so quickly! What's more, Sophie Kinsella has other standalone novels like The Undomestic Goddess, What's your number and Remember me.

The Karma club - Jessica Brody 
 I just recently completed this book and I must say, I enjoyed it,  A LOT. The story is about three friends, who form a club, as you can tell from the title; KARMA club. They seek revenge on people who actually deserve punishment because Karma is taking far too long. So they take things into their own hands and sort of "punish" those who deserve punishment by taking away what matters to them the most. It is a laugh-out laugh (LOL) book that many girls will be able to relate too because hey, we have had best friends with whom we have done crazy things with! Oh and for those of you who have read The Karma club, you're in luck because Jessica Brody has another book that is equally as good! It's called 52 Reasons to Hate My Father!

 Slumdog Millionaire - Vikas Swarup
Alright so where do I start. This is one of those books that leave you with a strong message. I happen to have seen the film first before reading the book. And let me just tell you, both are equally as good. I clearly remember a few years ago the buzz the movie had created. Surprisingly, the book hasn't been read by many. Give it a shot if you want to experience the daily struggles of those who come from poor families in India and how hard they have to work to make ends meet. You'll be surprised at how much you'll be able to relate.
 Beautiful Disaster - Jamie McGuire
Either you will love this book, or hate it. Easy as that. Well on the contrary, I LOVED it. Many reasons for it. First one being, it is a realistic book. Again, THAT IS IN MY OPINON. Haha I have to keep emphasizing that because some of my friends thought otherwise. It's a realistic book because couples fight, over ridiculous petty stuff and this book highlights that. It seems dumb from a third persons point of view but when we ourselves do it, guess it isn't huh? Read it if you want to fall in love with two people who are pretty much worlds apart. (SPOILER ALERT: The girl is a nerd (sort of) whereas the boy is a bad, Bad, BAD boy).  This book is from Abby (the lead females) point of View. There is sequel to this which is from Travis (the lead males) point of view but I didn't bother reading it because this was perfect for me.   
So those are my top 5 MUST READ NOVELS. There are seriously a lot more but I'll leave that to some other time. I'll be writing another post soon, about my favorite MUST-READ SERIES. Stay tuned for that and I hope you do give those novels a try. Comment below to tell me if there's a novel that you would want me to read. Till then, HAVE A GREAT WEEK AHEAD PEEPS.